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bootcamp/outdoor fitness

2010 Get Fit Challenge

2010 is the year to lose the weight you have been trying to get off!

Don't wait another year!! The longer you wait, the HARDER it is to lose. If you want to lose 10 lbs this year, it will be 20 lbs next year.

Start now and look and feel better by March. Here is how...

Join The 2010 8-week Get Fit Challenge. Get started on your new fitness path with other like-minded individuals that will keep you motivated and on track. Here is what is included:

Before and After Pictures

Before and After Weight and Measurements

Before and After BMI and Fat Percentage Readings

Before onsultation with me of Goals and Motivations

After Consultation of Accomplishments

Healthy Recipes to try

Tips on Eating Out the Healthy Way

2 Bootcamp Classes per week for 8 weeks

Healthy Eating and Fitness Jounal

Email/Phone contact with me for suggestions/help

You get all of this for just $300!!!

Classes start September 28, 2010!

Class Days and Times:


6:00-7:00 pm


8:00-9:00 am

Valley Park in Hermosa Beach

on the corner of Valley and Gould/Artesia

There is no time like the present so sign up now!! Call or email me to register.



Upon registration, we will set up an appointment for the initial consult and measurements.

Talk to you soon. Let's get in shape!! :)